It’s not just kids that need to play.

THreefold PRACTICE space

PLAY.  Test.  Practice. 

Threefold Practice Space is a group for adults starting in Easton in June. It’s a 5 week pilot project to that will give participants a space to play, test and practice together.

We are looking for creative people with experience and interest in performance making. You might be a writer, teacher, actor, mover, maker, poet, parent, student, director… it goes on. Maybe you have a half finished play or poem? Or there’s a game you played once at a workshop that you want the opportunity to play again? Perhaps you have a new or old image or idea you want to create? Or there's a song in your head that's crying out for choreography?

If you know you work best in collaboration with others and would like the option to test creative work to see if there's life in it without the outside pressure of a specific outcome, this is your group.

If you are curious to learn from others, try new things and want to gain insight and inspiration into other peoples work you should come.

If you would like to be part of a fun, supportive and relaxed group to play and practice, Threefold Practice Space is it.

Monday nights 7.15-9pm at the Easton Community Centre.

5 weeks. Starting 17th June. No cost.


Register Interest Here